A year ago, I had a lot of NO's in my life. I was finding sadness instead of happiness on my special. I was sad that I had no girlfriend (intimate one mind you), no child (as though I had been trying for one), no present (as if I gave people money to get me something) and so on.
I then told myself that I should live my life for me and not for other people. I am responsible for my life with the choices that I make.
Before then, I would call up most of my friends and relatives reminding them that it is my birthday. "How could they forget my day?" I asked them. They had to get me something even if it meant them sending talk time, it would make me happy. Or so I thought.
The realization that this is my life and I owe it to myself to make myself happy brought a lot more happiness. Why remind someone who does not know nor remember MY BIRTHDAY. It is after all MY DAY, not anybody else's. Why should someone get me something on my day – when it is my day!
This does not in any way mean am no longer appreciative for those that have spared a moment to wish me a joyous day. And I still get to smile when a present is given or promised.
Wasting so much energy on feeling low that people have not called on YOUR BIRTHDAY is the worst thing you can do to yourself. You owe yourself that happiness. You owe your MAKER that happiness.
I can mention here that my niece Lukundo, is among the few to have promised me talk time worth K34, equivalent to my age. She is only 9 years 6months. She called me using her mother's line to sing for me a happy birthday…I will be waiting young girl. Others are too important to mention by name, but I shall be waiting.
My friends in Livingstone are using me to organize a party since they had failed to come up with a reason. I will be there for your sake. Special dinner awaits me courtesy of my girl.
I have quite a number of crazy, and I mean CRAZY friends out there who just made my day with the messages on Facebook and LinkedIn. I wish I could transcribe the calls, eish, some people can talk, just to make you happy.
On my Facebook page, I said to my friends that am 34 and going strong. In this great future I can't forget the past. New job. New challenges. New location. New abode. New girl. Additional friends. Renewed love. Much more Jah blessings. Nuff Respekt to Jah as Who Jah bless...
Ndiyoi was quick to ask "Iwe, New girl???? Anyway... welcome to club 34.. have a good one... Jay more and drink less..."
Ndiyoi ended very well. Ignore the girl part. Jay more and drink less…I will seriously consider this advice. Am sure he was reminiscing the Canisius days in E1…I won't say more.
As though Ndiyoi was not enough, Kacha remembered what I had said in 2013: "that you promised yo mum a grand dota before you turn 34, is she there? kulatondondwa kucenga bapati. God bless you and enjoy yo big day."
Well, all I can say I have not started trying as I have to put some logistics in place before anything, but I can report to you that I am quite certain I have found the would-be mother…It is beyond my reach. Jah will guide and bless.
"Do you have to be nude at 34?" is a question which only a Lozi chap by the name of Kangumu could ask. And surprisingly he was seconded by my childhood sweetheart who "was equally wondering."
Kangumyu and Nchimunya, I wonder where you saw my nudity to be so inquisitive! I will leave you two to figure that out.
And now comes the classic ones from my 35-36year old sister and a friend of 26years. My sister was laughing at me that am getting OLD forgetting she came earlier than me. Those who know me can imagine my response to her.
My friend, who is my age-mate, but older by months, claimed I was a liar to put my age at 34…. I think Nchimunya can respond to him very well.
My brother from another mother, JP just knows how to make my day despite the distance.
I have just received a call from a person I least expected to call, because much of the year she does not do that. Indeed such days are an opportunity to break the silence. She made my smile grow wider. I had to tell her that I was not expecting her call, and that I was very happy that she called. But please do not take another year to pick up the phone. Yes you know yourself.
Some special friends just know how to make my day. They call and the first thing they ask is why I took long in answering the phone. And am like, the phone just rung twice…
"Shut up you are just a baby. You should learn to respect elders ala. So how old are you now? What's for the day and when are we going out to celebrate!"
Too many questions and the end Shame on you for still kicking my matako on my birthday.
I received an inspiring message from my Hun (A good friend of mine since college days):
"My Hun for me. I wish I could find better words to wish you the very best of your birthday. But nonetheless I hope my best wishes will mean something.
You deserve to be happy just like the happiness you brought on this day you were born. You are so special to many of us. Your charisma has had an impact on me and I thank you. Even as you grow older may the good Lord grant you more knowledge and wisdom.
Friends like you are rare. But thanks for being an open book. I owe you a cake. That's what I can afford this moment. 34 years of adventures. ..lol. Happy birthday hun🎂
With so much love
From me"
And to crown it all, my special special friend MySeche:
You have brought so much joy to a heart that was troubled, I can smile again.You are warm and good nurtured, you know how to accommodate and understand me.
I love you Matongo Kanenga Musiba Maumbi, that's why I call you MyTongo because from the day we met it was evident that we had something good going
MyTongo, MyLove, I am wishing you a very wonderful and fabulous day because you deserve it. I may not order you the biggest cake, nor throw you a big party or get you expensive gifts, but please know that from the bottom of my heart I wish you well.
Thank God I met you. Happy 34th Birthday MyLove."
I thank you all – my mother, siblings, mukowa and friends alike. Who Jah Bless…..
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