Dear Colleagues,
You may be directly interested or know someone who would really benefit from these great agricultural packs from across the continent by dedicated journalists who are working as a network to champion good agricultural practices which will lead to better livelihoods, and of course better food for us all.
Use the information or Spread the word to them.

| | Representing the best of African development journalism, Agfax audio reports offer a unique insight into rural development, covering the key issues of our time: climate change, biotechnology, health, food security and many more. Up-to-date, informed and highly respected, Agfax has been reporting on rural development in Africa for over a decade. To hear or download the latest reports, choose from one of the popular themes below, or go | | 

| | Agfax themes | | 
| | Appropriate technology From Ecosan toilets to sack gardens for slum dwellers, practical, affordable and locally-made technologies help solve problems and create new opportunities. view reports | | 
| | Climate change Coping with increased temperature, uncertain rainfall, droughts or flooding, how can rural communities adapt to meet the challenges of a changing climate? view reports | | 
| | Fish and forests Fish, whether from coastal fisheries, inland waters, or aquaculture, are a vital source of protein and income for millions. And forests, if correctly managed, are a sustainable source of numerous products, including timber, food and medicine. view reports | | 
| | Health There are many connections between rural livelihoods and health, including improved nutrition and sanitation, control of disease-carrying insects, hygiene in food processing and safe use of agrochemicals.view reports | | 
| | Livestock Often seen as a pathway out of poverty, livestock rearing enables people to survive in harsh environments, earn extra income from sales of meat, milk or eggs, and may provide a financial safety net during tough times. view reports | |
Matongo MaumbiThe Iron Like a Lion In Zion
Mobile: +260 977 480 759
Check Out My Blog - Tonga Bull "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
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